Mastering how to inhale marijuana is essential for a great session. This guide cuts through the fluff, offering step-by-step techniques to draw, hold, and exhale smoothly for the best high without the burn.
Key Takeaways
Start with small hits and inhale directly into your lungs for no more than 2 seconds to enhance the high and reduce coughing and throat burn.
The proper technique for smoking marijuana differs from tobacco, with cannabis requiring slower inhalations and increased time holding smoke in the lungs.
Use the right tools like joint filters, bongs, or vaporizers to ensure smoother hits and better intake control, and consider vaporizers for a less harsh experience.
Essential Steps for Inhaling Marijuana the Right Way

Let’s commence our exploration into the sophisticated world of cannabis inhalation. For starters, no need to puff like a dragon! Begin with smaller, manageable hits that are easier to handle and prevent you from getting overly high too quickly. Another golden rule to remember is to inhale the cannabis smoke directly into your lungs for a brief duration, no more than 2 seconds. That’s right! No need to hold your breath until your face turns blue. Holding the smoke in your lungs for an extended period may increase discomfort.
The art of inhaling weed properly is all about enhancing the high and providing a positive experience while reducing the risk of adverse effects such as coughing or a burning throat. So, the next time you’re about to smoke marijuana, remember these crucial steps to have a serene and enjoyable smoking experience.
The First Draw: Starting Your Smoking Session
Let’s explore the nuances of the initial puff. You’ve probably been told a thousand times that first impressions matter. Well, the same applies when smoking weed. The first puff sets the tone for the rest of your smoking session. To ensure a smooth start, gently place your lips on the paper or filter and ensure they are tightly sealed around it to prevent smoke escape.
With your lips firmly sealed around the filter or paper, you’re ready to draw in the smoke. But don’t rush this part! Start with slow, shallow inhalations, gradually drawing more deeply, drawing the cannabis smoke into your mouth first to allow it to cool, and then inhaling into the lungs to minimize coughing. After exhaling the smoke, take a moment to breathe in some fresh air to help clear your lungs.
Now, if you’re a beginner, start slow and be mindful of the amount consumed. Inhale the smoke into the lungs immediately after drawing it into the mouth without holding it. This technique will help you avoid coughing and make your smoking marijuana experience much more enjoyable.
Holding the Smoke: Finding the Sweet Spot
The question arises upon drawing the smoke into your lungs: how long should you hold it there? You can exhale if you’re holding your breath waiting for the answer. The truth is that approximately 95% of THC in cannabis smoke is absorbed in the first few seconds of inhalation. This means there’s no need to hold the smoke in your lungs for more than 2 seconds as this duration is sufficient for THC absorption.
Proper inhalation isn’t about how long you can hold your breath but how smoothly you can breathe in and out. To inhale weed properly and prevent irritation, maintain comfort by inhaling and exhaling softly rather than forcefully breathing in and out. Remember, inhaling cannabis is not a competition. It’s a personal journey to relaxation and enjoyment, so take it easy, find your sweet spot, and let the good times roll!
Perfecting the Exhale
Exhaling the smoke is just as important as inhaling it. When exhaling marijuana smoke, it’s important to:
Allow it to flow out gently from the lungs rather than forcing it out quickly
Think of it as a peaceful sigh rather than a hasty puff
Practice controlled breathing to aid in mastering a technique that allows for a smooth release of smoke, making the exhale process more comfortable and enjoyable.
Exhaling the smoke smoothly without delay helps reduce the likelihood of inducing a cough, a common reaction caused by the rapid expulsion of smoke. Furthermore, the act of exhaling can be an integral part of the sensory experience of smoking marijuana, including the visual appreciation of the smoke drifting into the air. So, the next time you exhale, take a moment to enjoy the sight of the smoke as it dances in the air before dissipating.
Understanding the Differences: Marijuana vs. Tobacco Inhalation
Having grasped the technique of proper cannabis inhalation, it’s time to discern the differences between smoking marijuana and tobacco. If you’ve smoked both, you’ve probably noticed that the pace of inhalation differs. Marijuana is typically inhaled more slowly than tobacco. This means that if you’re transitioning from smoking tobacco to marijuana, you’ll need to adjust your inhalation technique to accommodate the change.
You may also notice a difference in the intensity of the smoke. Inhaling smoke from a joint may feel more intense and dense than smoke from a cigarette. It’s crucial to note that while adding tobacco to cannabis can smooth the smoke, it also dilutes the effects of the high while introducing extra health risks.
Moreover, marijuana smoke contains fewer harmful compounds compared to tobacco smoke and is generally considered less harmful than smoking cigarettes.
Weed Smoke Characteristics
What distinct properties does cannabis smoke possess? When compared to tobacco smoke, cannabis smoke involves larger puff volumes, deeper inhalation, and longer pulmonary retention times. This means that when you inhale weed, you’re likely to take larger puffs, inhale more deeply, and hold the smoke in your lungs a bit longer than you would with tobacco smoke.
Additionally, marijuana smoke particles are, on average, 23% larger in aerodynamic diameter and 29% larger in mobility diameter than tobacco smoke particles. However, despite the larger size of marijuana smoke particles, the effective densities of marijuana and tobacco smoke particles are similar, which implies that both types of particles may be spherical with a liquid component.
The total particulate matter (TPM) and ‘tar’ found in hot smoke, including cigarette smoke, are also present in marijuana smoke in similar or higher concentrations, and both are composed almost entirely of semi-volatile organic hydrocarbons.
Adjusting Your Inhalation Technique
A shift from tobacco to marijuana may necessitate an alteration in your inhalation technique. As we mentioned earlier, cannabis smoke inhalation involves larger puff volumes, requiring deeper inhalations and longer retention of the cannabis smoke in the lungs. This means you’ll need to take larger puffs, inhale more deeply, and hold the smoke in your lungs a bit longer than you’re used to with tobacco.
While this might take some getting used to, remember that with practice comes perfection. So, don’t be discouraged if you don’t get it right the first time. Keep practicing, and soon you’ll master the art of inhaling marijuana. And remember, the goal here is not to mimic your tobacco smoking habits but to enhance your marijuana smoking experience.
Tools of the Trade: Common Methods of Smoking Cannabis

Let’s shift our focus to the array of instruments used in cannabis consumption. There are several methods to indulge in green goodness, each with unique characteristics and effects. You can smoke marijuana using:
The method you choose will influence your smoking experience, so it’s important to find the one that suits you best.
For instance, pipes are handheld devices used to inhale cannabis smoke, while bongs use water filtration and require the user to cover a carb hole, light the herb, and inhale steadily and then sharply to fill the chamber with smoke and exhale. On the other hand, vaporizers offer the benefit of temperature control and help to reduce tar and resin buildup, providing a cleaner inhalation experience. Whichever method you choose, ensure you hold the device correctly between the thumb and index finger with tightly sealed lips to ensure proper inhalation.
Joints: The Classic Approach
Consider the timeless appeal of the joint. There’s something about rolling a joint that feels almost ceremonial, isn’t there? Joints offer a simple, classic approach to smoking marijuana. But, just like any other method, there are some tricks to getting it right.
When lighting a joint, follow these steps for a smooth and even burn:
Light a small part of the cannabis.
Move the flame in and out of the plant material for an even burn.
Draw the smoke into your mouth before fully inhaling it into your lungs.
Inhale for no more than 2 seconds to avoid harshness.
By following these steps, you can learn how to smoke weed correctly and enjoy a smoother hit when you smoke weed in the form of a joint.
Using a blunt filter or a joint filter is beneficial for smoothing the smoke during the inhalation of rolled cannabis. So, the next time you roll a joint, remember these tips to ensure a smoother hit and an even burn.
Pipes and Bongs: Controlling Your Intake
For enhanced control over your consumption, consider using pipes or bongs. Bongs are water pipes that filter and cool the smoke, with marijuana loaded into a bowl; the smoke then passes through the water into the mouthpiece and the smoker’s lungs, creating less harsh smoke that fills the lungs quickly.
When smoking marijuana from a device with a carb, like a bong or a bowl, it’s best to inhale marijuana correctly and also learn how to inhale weed correctly by drawing the smoke straight into the lungs, bypassing the mouth, to ensure effective absorption of THC and for the smoke to be cooled down, especially if using an ice bong.
On the other hand, pipes consist of a pipe body, mouthpiece, and bowl, and are recommended to be made of glass or ceramics for the safest and most pleasant smoking experience, as these materials avoid inhaling harmful wood smoke or metallic fumes.
Vaporizers: A Modern Twist
Vaporizers could be ideal for those who lean towards a more contemporary method. Vaping cannabis offers a less harsh experience compared to traditional smoking methods, making it a great choice for those seeking a smoother experience. Vaporizers heat the cannabis to a temperature that releases the THC and other cannabinoids without combustion, resulting in a vapor that’s inhaled instead of smoke.
And for those who prefer cannabis concentrates, there’s a special tool just for you. The dab pen, designed for cannabis concentrates, consists of a battery, a heating element, and a chamber for the concentrate. Dab pens are portable, offering an uncomplicated way to consume cannabis concentrates without additional tools. The batteries usually feature various power options and can be recharged using a USB connection.
Safety First: How to Avoid Burning Throat and Coughing Fits

Inhaling cannabis can be a pleasure, but improper technique can result in discomfort. One of the common issues marijuana smokers face is a burning throat and coughing fits. But don’t worry, there are ways to avoid these uncomfortable situations. For starters, drinking water before, during, and after a smoking session can ease throat irritation and help prevent coughing and discomfort.
Taking smaller hits and inhaling the smoke deeply and gently into the lungs can also prevent coughing and throat burn. Additionally, using a vaporizer with a filter system or a bong to cool down the smoke can free the lungs from tar and other irritants, leading to less coughing and throat burn. So remember, safety first!
The Art of Rolling: Preparing Your Marijuana for Smoking

The preparation of marijuana for smoking is a craft unto itself. Using a grinder to prepare marijuana makes it finer in consistency, allowing for a smoother joint or blunt that burns evenly and maximizes the smoking experience. So, next time you’re about to smoke pot, grab a grinder and give your marijuana a fine grind.
In addition to grinding, the art of rolling a joint plays a crucial role in your smoking experience. A well-rolled joint should:
Be the right size for the occasion
Have finely ground, dry, and fluffy marijuana to avoid canoeing and ensure a consistent burn
Be rolled tightly yet with enough airflow to allow inhalation
Have even rolling to prevent uneven burning and air pockets that may cause faster burning on one side
Choosing the Right Grinder
The selection of an appropriate grinder is pivotal in readying your cannabis for consumption. A quality grinder with a good rotor and solid lock can improve the rolling process and enhance the evenness of the joint burn. There are simple two and three-piece grinders designed for grinding and storing cannabis and more complex four and five-piece grinders that allow for kief collection.
To load a grinder, follow these steps:
Break the buds into smaller pieces and place them evenly on the grinder’s teeth.
Avoid placing the buds at the center if there’s a magnetic closure.
Exclude any seeds and stems.
Twist the grinder seven to ten times to achieve a fine consistency. The exact number of twists may vary based on personal preference and experience.
Selecting Quality Rolling Paper
Your choice of rolling paper can significantly influence the quality of your cannabis experience. Unbleached rolling papers are typically tan or brown, considered more natural by some smokers, and thin papers, in general, are known to burn more slowly with less smoke, both contributing to a smoother smoking experience.
Top rolling paper brands like Zig-Zag, RAW, and Elements are renowned for their quality and selection of different materials and sizes that offer a slow and even burn, contributing to an optimal smoking experience. For those who value the visual aspect of their smoking experience, rolling papers are available with unique designs and aesthetics, catering to personal preferences.
Advanced Techniques: Enhancing Your Inhalation Tolerance
Let’s explore sophisticated techniques to boost your ability to tolerate inhalation. Switching between cannabis strains and potencies diversifies the smoking experience and may help to enhance inhalation tolerance. Trying various consumption methods such as gravity bongs, bubblers, vaporizers, or pipes can influence the intensity of the high and improve inhalation tolerance.
Practicing mindful breathing is an anchoring technique that can help smokers improve their attentional control and potentially increase inhalation tolerance. In addition to mindful breathing, physical activities like gym workouts or walks before smoking can heighten the effects of cannabis due to endorphin release and help in enhancing inhalation tolerance.
Lastly, periodically taking ‘tolerance breaks’ from cannabis resets the body’s response, making the effects feel stronger upon return and aiding in tolerance development.
Preserving Potency: How to Conserve THC During Inhalation
As a cannabis enthusiast, you’d want to make the most out of your stash. What strategies can you employ to preserve THC as you inhale? One way is to use a one-hitter, which allows for better control over the amount of marijuana used, enabling a precise intake of THC and less waste. Avoiding larger hits is beneficial because the lungs can only absorb a limited amount of THC at a time, and excessive smoke just leads to waste.
Regularly cleaning smoking devices ensures better airflow and prevents resin buildup, which can cause unnecessary marijuana burn-off. Taking intervals between hits allows the high to set in and can help gauge if additional inhalation is needed, preventing THC waste through overconsumption. Remember, the goal is not to smoke as much as possible but to make each hit count!
Troubleshooting Common Issues When Inhaling Weed

Even the most experienced cannabis consumers may encounter difficulties during inhalation. One common issue is uneven burning, known as ‘canoeing’. This can be prevented by rotating the joint and applying moisture to the side burning too fast.
Harshness and heat of smoke can be diminished by using diffuser downstems in bongs, adding ice for cooling, using vaporizers, and employing smoking methods that allow air to mix with smoke, or devices that use cleaner heat sources. Regular maintenance, including cleaning with alcohol and salt, changing bong water frequently, rinsing after cleaning, and handling pieces carefully, ensures smooth hits and preserves taste.
Final Thoughts
We’ve covered a lot of ground, from the basics of inhaling marijuana to the differences between marijuana and tobacco inhalation, common methods of smoking cannabis, precautions to avoid discomfort, and even some advanced techniques to enhance your inhalation tolerance. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned smoker, remember that the goal of smoking marijuana is to enjoy the experience. So go slow, inhale deeply, exhale gently, and let the good vibes roll!
Related Questions
Still have questions? Check out a couple of common ones below.
How many puffs of a joint make you high?
It takes around two to six puffs of active marijuana to feel high. So, start with a small number and see how you feel.
How do you prevent a burning throat and coughing fits when inhaling marijuana?
To prevent a burning throat and coughing fits when inhaling marijuana, drink water before, during, and after smoking, take smaller hits, inhale gently, and use a vaporizer or bong to cool down the smoke. Stay hydrated and take it easy on the inhales to minimize throat irritation and coughing.